CONCERNS about rail services were raised – including the high cost of travel – as campaigners had their say in a survey.

Green Party members were among those attending a consultation event into the South Western rail franchise, due to begin next year.

Current operator South West Trains, which runs the Weymouth-Waterloo line, will be bidding against other companies for the new franchise.

The government invited passengers to have their say on the future of rail services in an event at Weymouth station.

Rail user and Green party member Dr Jon Orrell said: "We would like to see private profiteering franchises phased out, returning the railways to public ownership over time."

He added: “Prices are going up and up, average rail fares have increased 25 per cent in the past 10 years, whilst the speed of the service between Weymouth and Waterloo has not improved for over 100 years. This equation does not provide good value for money."

Passenger safety was another issue raised by local member Russ Parrett who highlighted issues of overcrowding and fears that guards could be removed from trains in future.

Other issues and suggestions include improving journey times through an 'express service' to London once an hour at required times, measures to prevent further fare rises and guaranteeing adequate levels of train and station staff.

While Greens thought the current London service was reasonable, the Bristol route, which is not included in the franchise, was 'absurdly slow,' frequently overcrowded and unreliable, they claimed.

The consultation, which closes on February 9 aims to explain the process, provide background information, and seek views on the current franchise and any options.

To have your say email or write to South Western Consultation Coordinator, 4/15 Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR.


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