FUNNYMAN Frank Skinner descended on Dorset to learn about meditation, group hugs and Tantric sex.

As part of a televised challenge the comedian moved into a new-age retreat to try and make a community of hippies chuckle.

Skinner - best known for hosting his own chat show, presenting Fantasy Football League and Euro '96 anthem Three Lions - launched the Tough Gig series on ITV last night.

Viewers got a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the Osho Leela centre near Gillingham, a 'personal growth centre' aiming to achieve 'Paradise on Earth'.

The centre is permanent home to 14 adults and four children but operates an open-door policy with visitors coming and going.

Known for its festivals, parties and celebrations, Osho Leela hosts courses, training and meditation and offers visitors the chance to 'experience the art of living'.

Skinner moved into the centre for a week, sleeping in a dorm and socialising with the new-age community.

After the filming Osho Leela director Amira said: "Personally, I found Frank an absolute delight to have here.

"He's a very sweet guy and I thought he took quite a risk to come here all by himself just to check us out.

"He joined in with our work, also taking part in our programme of Osho and Humaniversity meditations. In the evenings he hung out with the community.

"Frank did his stand-up routine for all of us and he really brought the house down.

"I was a bit nervous that, after having been so great all week, he might suddenly turn into Jim Davidson or Bernard Manning and do a hatchet job on us.

"But my fears were completely ungrounded.

"He had the whole community in fits of laughter."

Skinner's trip to Dorset launched the six-part Tough Gig series which will see five other comedians join alternative communities, including fashion designers, fantasy role playing orcs and elves, and ghost hunters.