The Weymouth Rotary Club has shown its generosity to the local community through a donation.

The Rotary Club of Weymouth President, Rob Sedgebeer, presented a check of one thousand pounds to Yvonne Spratt and Sandy Scully of the Weymouth Foodbank.

President Rob said: "The Rotary Club of Weymouth was pleased to support the Foodbank as it is such a worthy cause, especially at this time of year."

The group, which meets on Mondays, had saved the profits of the Cider Bar, which runs at organised events throughout the year, and passed it onto the Foodbank.

The foodbank is based in Weymouth Baptist Church, and is open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10.30am till 12.30pm.

It was started in 2012 by Lily and Bob Mockett, and grown rapidly ever since, with a growing need for one developing over the years.

The bank is supported by most of the churches in Weymouth, several of the large supermarkets, and many organisations and individuals who supply food, toiletries and donations.

For more information about what the Rotary club does, visit 

To find out more about the Weymouth foodbank, visit