Your new weekly paper hits the stands this week.

The Dispatch replaces the Advertiser and we hope you enjoy the bright new look.

We will be focusing on news from the communities of Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester and we would love to hear from you if there is something you would like to see included.

We have a new community news section which includes the latest news and events from local clubs, community groups and charities.

You will find a nostalgia section in the centre pages, puzzles, letters, arts and entertainment and lots of local news.

Check out out property and motors pages and there is a comprehensive classified ads section.

The name Dispatch marks a comeback for the title. The original newspaper serving south and west Dorset was known as the Dorset Daily Echo and Weymouth Dispatch. It first rolled off the press on Saturday, May 28, 1921 the four-page paper had an elegant masthead on two lines. 

The first edition consisted of just four pages - but they were big pages.

They were over two feet deep, at 26 inches, and 19 inches wide, compared to today's altogether more compact edition.

A large advertising booking form occupied much of the left-hand side of the front page.

It said: "Dorset's Own daily paper. A long-felt want now met. An evening journal devoted to the county's interests. Thousands will tonight be reading the first issue of the Dorset Daily Echo and Weymouth Dispatch.
"Its news services will include latest home and foreign news, local happenings, markets, parliamentary, racing, cricket and football news."

The Weymouth Dispatch subtitle was dropped in July 1960 and the 'Daily' swapped to 'Evening' giving it the much shorter title Dorset Evening Echo.

So we welcome back the Dispatch and we would love to hear your feedback.

Please email us at

  • Look out for your new Dispatch on Friday