A crash which killed a motorcyclist on a country road was a ‘tragic accident,’ an inquest heard.

Timothy Williams died on August 28 last year, following a collision close to the Mosterton crossroads on the A3066 near Beaminster.

The 42-year-old who lived in Crewkerne in Somerset died at the scene, Dorset Coroner’s Court heard yesterday (18/04).

Mr Williams was travelling south-bound on his orange KTM motorcycle around 2.30pm when he went around a sharp bend and collided with a cyclist and an oncoming car.

During the hearing, a statement from Richard Fry - the cyclist involved - was read to the court.

Mr Fry said he was cycling south-bound along the stretch of road when he noticed an on-coming Ford Fiesta.

As the car approached, Mr Fry heard a loud ‘bang’ and was ‘catapulted’ off his bicycle from behind. Mr William’s motorcycle had collided with the bicycle.

The crash left Mr Fry unable to stand and he was forced to wait for paramedics to arrive at the scene.

Mr Williams' motorcycle then crashed into the oncoming Ford Fiesta.

Mr Fry said: “Since the accident I feel very lucky not to have suffered more serious injuries. I don’t know the reason for this tragic accident but support police in their enquiries.”

Another witness statement, from Brian Howells, who was driving the Ford Fiesta, told how he was on his way home to Wales following a holiday in West Bay prior to the crash.

He explained he was 'enjoying' the drive and was in no hurry to get back when he saw a 'clear bend ahead.'

He said he was positioned in the middle of the road when he saw the cyclist and the motorcyclist.

After the pair exited the bend, Mr Howells said he saw the motorcyclist hit the back pedal of the bicycle, which sent the motorcycle 'out of control' and into his car.

He said: "I believe the male motorcyclist must have been driving too fast around the bend. There was nothing I could do to stop the accident."

Police Sergeant Fern Graham of Dorset Police’s traffic unit, led the investigation into what caused the fatal road-traffic collision.

She said a blood test revealed that Mr Williams' showed no signs of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

She explained that the evidence suggests Mr Williams' travelled around a ‘blind bend’ not expecting the bicycle to be at the exit. She also explained that the impact of the crash, including scratches on the vehicles are consistent with the evidence given by witnesses.

The pathologist, Dr Barbara Borek told coroner Brendan Allen that the cause of death was serious chest injuries as a result of a road traffic collision.

Concluding the inquest, Mr Allen said: “As he went around the bend he collided with the cyclist and was in collision with a vehicle travelling north bound. He was announced dead at the scene of the incident.

"This is a tragic accident were no one is to blame. It was misjudged with terrible consequences."

Coroner Mr Allen recorded a verdict of death by road traffic collision.