Weymouth's civic society has welcomed plans for the peninsula redevelopment and says it will become a ‘flagship’ site in the town for future generations.

Weymouth Civic Society has had its say on plans which will see the transformation of the town’s harbour gateway.

The peninsula is earmarked as a leisure zone with all-weather attractions, car parking, hotels, restaurants, public spaces, pedestrian walkways and a 'harbour zone' for commercial uses.

It will provide a multi-million pound boost to the economy, helping to promote Weymouth as an all-year round destination for residents and visitors, and create hundreds of jobs.

The society’s feedback was sent to the Echo by its chairman Pru Bollam.

Speaking about the leisure zone, the society says: “We support in principle the plan for leisure uses on the site, which was the original intention of the local plan, which our society has always supported. Good provision should be made for families on holiday, and indoor wet-weather facilities will be especially valuable.”

Discussing the location of restaurants and hotels, the society says low-rise buildings would be ideally placed on the north side of the site overlooking the bay.

The society described the redevelopment as a ‘major opportunity’ to enhance what has become a 'run-down area.' They added the buildings should be as ‘attractive’ as possible to promote the whole town as a ‘special place to visit.’

The society also supports plans to limit the height of buildings to no more than two to three storeys because the peninsula will be ‘visually dominant’ from the Esplanade and the Nothe. They say any disproportion of high buildings would damage the 'visual quality' of the Esplanade.

As well as this, the society says the size of the proposed car park is ‘seriously inadequate’ and they’d like to see a two-level car park developed on the site, with good drops off points and short term parking.

They explained: “If adequate parking is not provided, there is a grave risk that the theatre and all the other uses will fail.”

The society also believe the main access route on the peninsula should be on the south side of the theatre and are keen to see the provision of a good broad public walkway around the perimeter of the whole peninsula, with places for seating.

The group is against the proposed 'boutique hotel' which they say would block off suggested vehicle access on the south side of the theatre, which they believe should be used as the main access route to the peninsula. They say another hotel would compete with Esplanade businesses.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council is currently reviewing feedback from its engagement events and online survey, which finished on April 6.

It is due to submit its planning application at the end of April or early May. The council says the response from the Weymouth Civic Society will be reviewed alongside the feedback.