A group of travellers have moved onto the Marsh playing fields in Weymouth.

The group arrived on land near to the Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre on Saturday.

They have brought five caravans with them.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council is the owner of the land.

Cllr Kate Wheller, the borough council’s spokesman for community facilities, said: “We are aware of a number of travellers currently located at the Marsh playing fields and have informed the police and the county council’s Gypsy Traveller Liaison Service.”

Dorset County Council has been contacted for a response, but it is understand a liaison officer will be sent to speak with the group.

A spokesman for Dorset Police said: “We received a report at 3.25pm on Saturday, August 4 that travellers had set up at the Marsh playing fields in Weymouth. We are continuing to liaise with the group and the council.”

This is the latest group of travellers to arrive in Weymouth following the departure of a group of travellers from privately owner land on the Granby Industrial Estate a couple of weeks ago.

It is not yet known when the group plans to leave the Marsh.

PLEASE NOTE: Comments have been opened on this story but any reference to gypsies or any racially offensive term will cause them to be closed and you may find your account suspended.

Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers are legally recognised as ethnic groups, and protected by the Race Relations Act.

Please keep your comments to this particular incident and do not generalise. Thanks for your co-operation.