Toys will be going on trial this summer as part of Shire Hall Historic Courthouse Museum's summer programme of free family activities.

The Big Bad Wolf is charged with the attempted murder of the Three Little Pigs – will his huffing and puffing go down well with the jury? Will Goldilocks – up for breaking and entering - find her sentence is just right? And will The Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood get away with identity theft?

That’s the question youngsters will have to answer as they make their own fairy tale masks, then recreate their own mock trials in Shire Hall’s historic courtroom.

Anne Brown, learning manager at Shire Hall, said the event was designed to be a lot of fun, whilst also teaching children and families Shire Hall’s history and how the court system works. Once they have made their masks, families will be given cue cards to take into courtroom to recreate their own trial.

She said: “It’s designed to be fun but with quite a serious message, if you think that Goldilocks could be accused of breaking and entering, The Big Bad Wolf criminal damage and Cinderella held in slavery, with the Ugly Sisters forcing her to work all the time and never leave the house."

This format will also be available for school visits to Shire Hall from September.

Anne added: It’s an idea that teachers have done in the classroom before, but what we can do is provide a more historical setting. For schools, British Values in an important part of the curriculum. We want to roll this out to be part of our schools offering as well as a family event. Teachers could bring their Key Stage 1 and 2 students here and it would cover many aspects of the curriculum.”

The Family Fairy Tale Trial event is free of charge, self-directed and will take place from Friday August 17 to Thursday, August 23, from 10am to 4pm at Shire Hall, as part of a wider programme of events.

Until Wednesday, September 5, there will be free activities and each week starting on Friday, there will be a different theme, including Summer at Shire Hall, Bug Week, Sea Life, A World of Art and Shapes and Patterns.

There will also be paid-for bookable workshops across the holidays from 10.30am to 12noon a Mad Hatters workshop for ages five to 10 years, where youngsters can create a hat inspired by the court. Then from 2pm to 3.30pm, children 10 and over can create Brilliant Banners inspired by the Journey to Justice exhibition – a look at the people who changed the world through the UK and US Civil Rights movement.

On Wednesday, August 22, from 10.30am to 12noon ages five to 10 will get the chance to create art out of recycled materials, inspired by Shire Hall’s connection to Australia. Following this, youngsters 10 and over will also get the chance to explore the cells and create recycled art from 2pm until 3.30pm. All workshops need to be booked in advance.

For more information contact or call 01305 261849.