LASER Radial sailor Jon Emmett has secured his number one ranking with a win at the UK qualifier.

Emmett, of Holly Road, Weymouth, has just returned from the event at Paignton where he recorded the minimum score, counting only first places in his series.

Although in the first race he went the wrong way up the first beat, he fought back with three consecutive race wins to take the event with a race to spare. However just for good measure he stayed on the water to win the final race as well.

Emmett has now guaranteed himself the top spot of the Radial National rankings with wins at Stokes Bay, Pwllheli and Paignton and second places at Highcliffe and Lowestoft.

He will actually miss the last event, held at Hastings next month, due to neck surgery, but will be back in full training in six months' time.

Emmett is of course looking forward to getting back into sailing next year and will no doubt have his enthusiasm doubled.

It is also a great time for him to do some kit testing as he will be able to approach things with a fresh perspective. His aim is to qualify for the 2012 Olympics which will be held at Weymouth where he does much of his training.

To follow his progress visit to view the 2008 season.