Voices is the Dorset Echo's weekly youth page, written for young people by young people

TIME is something man can’t control. It is the one thing in life we can’t redeem.

The universe is built based on time. It goes by so quickly and we have no way of slowing it down.

For instance, it feels like yesterday that I was playing ‘cops and robbers’ or ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and then all of a sudden I woke up to find myself a man.

The scary thought of that is 'will I then wake up again and find myself an old man with all my life travels pinned up on the wall?'

The point I am trying to make is that as humans we worry about our time running out. I know I have.

But instead of worrying you have to live in the moment that your in and make time for yourself and you have to stop saying “there isn’t enough time” even though we are given endless amounts of it.

Make a life worth living and stop caring what people think about you because you have one life and that’s yours to do with what you please.

I do not believe that I was not born with a permission slip for people to get hold of and say what I can wear or how to act or who to love. Take your life in control.

You like that top but no one else does, so wear it anyway, It does not matter who cares.

Save some money and use it to go abroad or get that ring you wanted. Take that step.

By Chaz Smith