I was pleased to see your front page coverage of the exciting schools academy proposal for Portland (Island schools scheme backed', Echo, November 23).

The Portland head teachers have taken the view that the Island should have a world class education system when the eyes of the world are upon it in 2012.

They have created the Portland Academy concept; it is an ambitious and visionary project that will have a major positive impact on the life chances and learning of all children and young people growing up on Portland.

Furthermore, it will contribute to raising skill levels in the workforce which will benefit existing employers, growing businesses and it will encourage new inward investment - in short, the local economy and the community will prosper. This is an inspirational legacy.

I am fully committed to actively supporting this project and I would urge everyone to do the same.

Already there is a groundswell of support from community grassroots to the highest tiers of national Government.

Successful development of this project could bring up to £45 million of capital investment into the future of our children and our community - an outstanding opportunity for us all.

Gary Fooks Dorset 2012 Legacy Manager