HEAD teacher Vicky Prior of Portesham Primary School was crowned Teacher of the Year, the award sponsored by Stag Office Products, after a heartfelt nomination from one of her students.

Cassie Roberts of Fraser Avenue, Weymouth has insulin-dependent diabetes and coelics disease and said after being asked to leave one primary school because of her illness, Mrs Prior welcomed her with open arms at Portesham.

She said: "I am included in school trips and weekend breaks. When my school has taster days of different foods from around the world Mrs Prior buys and cooks specialist foods for me, all so I am included.

"Mrs Prior and her staff have all had specialist training to take care of me, including how to do my injections and many blood tests. Mrs Prior was married in the summer of last year and the whole school was invited.

"I am so happy at my school and I feel cared for and loved. I am a normal little girl all because Mrs Prior went above the call of duty."

Speaking after the ceremony, Mrs Prior said: "I'm very proud of all the children at the school and very glad that Cassie feels the way she does.

"I feel a bit of a fraud being a head teacher but I have class responsibility and I put as much as I can into my work."