WHEN I arrived at the Christmas coffee morning at St Francis Church, it was standing room only and I don't think that I've ever seen as many people at a coffee morning before!

It seems that 75 people dropped in during the morning and I think that most of them were still there at the end.

Although it started off very slowly, which was a bit worrying for Betty and Hilary, things soon built up and the overall total raised from the day was a very healthy £380 which will be swelling the coffers of the church and garden fund.

Towards the end of the morning the tombola still seemed to be doing a brisk trade with many happy winners leaving the table and the homemade cakes and preserves were mostly sold.

Well done to all who put in the hard work to make it so successful!

  • A lot of work has recently been done in the St Francis Church garden to tidy it up and prepare it for the coming year.

About 15 people turned up to help with the garden and general outside maintenance.

The morning ended with the helpers enjoying a bowl of homemade soup and a roll. The task must have proved very difficult this year though as the plants seem to have lost all sense of the seasons.

In our garden at the moment, although it's the middle of December, we still have buds appearing on an oriental poppy and the clematis and rose are quite happily in flower with lobelia still going strong in the baskets. Let's hope that the frost doesn't do too much damage to the poor plants before spring!

  • Christmas is a lovely time to join in at a church service and two of my favourites are on Christmas Eve at St Francis Church.

A Christingle service is being held at 6.30pm on Monday, December 24 and a Midnight Communion is starting at 11.30pm. Both services are a joy to attend and everyone will be warmly welcomed.

There is also a Family Communion at 9.30am on Christmas Day.

  • Most of the groups using the community hall in Canberra Road are now breaking up for Christmas and starting back when the new school term commences in January.

The craft group has had a very busy year and continues to go from strength to strength thanks to the help of several dedicated people (you know who you are). I'd like to say a big thank you on behalf of the regular members of the group for all the hard work that you put in to keep it running smoothly.

Craft starts back again on Thursday, January 10 at 12.45pm.

Anyone interested in joining the group can call Jess on 01305 813863 or just turn up and see what it's like, your first week is free!

  • I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a New Year that brings you all you could ask for!