THE next Pact meeting is being held on Tuesday, December 18 at the Weymouth Fire Station at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to go along to hear what the outcome of the actions from the last meeting. If you have any issues about Westham, Pact is the place to go.

  • The Youth Forum held an open meeting on Saturday, December 8.

Ryan and his committee gave a good presentation of the things that they have achieved so far.

Despite there being only a few members of COPS, the Community Support Officers for Westham, the Mayor, a few councillors a few youngsters and one parent there were some good ideas raised which the youth forum have taken away to consider.

  • Dorset Close held their bazaar on Saturday, December 1 which was well attended and despite some prizes stolen from the tombola stall they raised £183 from which they donated their usual gift of £20 to the Joseph Weldmar Hospice.
  • On Wednesday, December 5, 16 residents and friends were treated to a free fish and chip lunch followed by a dessert of pears and cream from Alf's Fish and Chip shop.

Father Christmas arrived with a present for each one and joined in with a carol song. Thank you to John and Karen Pearce from the Fish and Chip shop for a lovely meal.

There will be a Christmas Lunch for the members of the Friday Club at the Dorset Close centre on Friday, December 21 with entertainment after.

This will be their last function for the year and hopefully they will resume their meetings on the second Friday of the New Year. They welcome any new friends who would like to join them.