• SOME of the members from Dorset Close Centre had a trip to The Otter garden centre recently. It was a beautiful fine day and everybody enjoyed the day out.

On Wednesday April 23 John & Karen (Alf's) are treating about 20 Senior Citizens to a mystery tour in the morning to finish with a chippy lunch in the Dorset Close Centre.

On Saturday April 26 Pauline Haime is organizing a table top sale in the Fiveways Centre at 10.00 am in aid of Emphysema sufferers.

On Saturday May 10 there will be a table top and tombola stall at Alf's (weather permitting) and I am appealing for donations of good quality goods for same. Goods may be taken to Alf's, or brought to Dot Newton at 108, Bedford Road .

Maria the warden at Dorset Close is appealing for a karaoke machine. If anyone has one they no longer have any use for she would gladly accept it for use in the Centre.

  • WESTHAM 125 Just a reminder that the celebrations are being held on Saturday April 26 at Conifers School at 2pm and finishing at 4.30 for the afternoon session. In the evening there will be a play and live music finishing at 10pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Farmers' Markets THERE is little doubt that your local farm shop provides an excellent shopping experience, but what about all the small producers who don't have one?

Many of these can be found at farmers' markets.

You will find locally grown fresh vegetables, prime beef, free range eggs, meat from rare breeds of pig, sheep and goats. Bread from craftsman bakers, home made cakes and honey and all produced locally.

You will still have to dash into the supermarket for your loo rolls but the relaxed atmosphere and friendly service that you find at the farmers' market will more than make up for that.

One of the best is Weymouth on Westham Bridge on the second Sunday of each month, now entering its fifth year. We will look forward to seeing you there.

  • I HAVE had the following request from Sue Follan about the Weymouth Carnival.

We are a small charity based in Weymouth who are fighting to retain the famous Weymouth Carnival.

Following the retirement of Weymouth Round Table the organisers of the Carnival, we decided that we would attempt to retain and make the Carnival a real community event and encourage everyone young and old to be a part of it.

The event this year will be over 3 days, Monday August 18 Fun Day on the beach, Tuesday August 19 Weymouth FC Sports on the Beach and Wednesday August 20 Carnival Day itself, with all the usual ariel displays, charity and trade stalls, fireworks and the procession.

The procession this year will be totally FOOT BASED. Anyone can walk the route in fancy dress, or use their imagination to think of a novel mode of transport that does NOT include an engine. (Bicycles, prams, Soap Boxes, etc) If you have always wanted to be in the Carnival this year is your chance.

Next year with all the changes a foot for the Esplanade the Carnival may well have to change so this could be your last chance to walk the famous Carnival route along the seafront.

All local residents are more than welcome to get involved, in any way and if anyone is interested in creating wonderful imaginative displays to promote their local community please contact Sue.

If anyone needs more information please do not hesitate to contact us on the number below.

Weymouth Community Carnival Office - 01305 830255 Mobile 07855 613757

  • THE Fiveways Club held their AGM on Wednesday April 9 at The Fiveways Centre, Radipole Lane.

Kate Wheller was re- elected chairman. She extended her thanks to all members for their support throughout the year but especially to John Woodcock, Margaret Adams, June Scard, Brenda Newnham and Harry Frost. John Woodcock as treasurer, again presented impeccable accounts and offered to continue in the role a little longer until a suitable replacement is found.

The club had its usual popular coach trips during the year including shopping trips to Poole and Bournemouth and the evening tour to see the Christmas lights around Weymouth.

Thursday Lunch Club continues to thrive and Bingo and the Craft Club are now well established. The club always welcomes new members.

It was noted that often new members find they already know many of the faces at the Wednesday Coffee morning and it is lovely to become reacquainted with old friends.

Members also said how supportive they found the club to be as they became older and less independent.

The chairman reminded the meeting that the organisers of the WestFest were looking for the person who had lived in Westham the longest, many of the Fiveways members have lived in Westham all their lives.

Thanks were extended to Pat Sherrit, sheltered housing officer, who for nearly twenty years has worked tirelessly with members to establish a lively and happy community club for older residents in and around the Fiveways Centre. (Submitted by Kate Wheller)

  • FINALLY I have broken my ankle and will have limited mobility for at least six weeks. If anyone wants anything included in the community news column please ring me or email me with the details.