WESTHAM 125 celebrations was a great success. The event was very well attended and the atmosphere and the weather were really good.

The Bluebelle Twirlers majorettes performed in public for the first time putting on a very good show.

Their first display was performed to the tune Walk up the avenue, wearing top hats and black jackets.

The next display was performed to the Can Can and the girls were dressed in lovely red dresses. Well done.

There was also displays by the Weymouth and Dorchester Taekwondo Club and by the police with their dogs.

A competition was held for football skills which was won by Josh. John Pearce donated the trophy and a prize.

The New Forest Harley Davison club arrived with their motor bikes, there were also displays of Classic Cars, the Fire Service, Search and Rescue and a steam train that gave rides.

Thanks to the hard work of Sam Spracklen and Debbie Rose and donations from local residents the history display held in the school hall proved to be very successful and at one time there were queues of people waiting to get in.

In the evening people were entertained with a play written by Chris Edwards about the history of Westham and bands Propeller from Budmouth School and Speedway Snails.

This event was run by a committee made up of some of the Westham Cops members Julie Hursthouse, the Community Development officer and Penny James from the Borough Council and people from the area of Westham.

The support given by Rachael Hiscock from Conifers and the school, local businesses, Debbie Rose and Sam and Andy Spracklen who help to organise the Portland Steam fair proved to be invaluable.

  • THERE has been a very positive response following a successful meeting between local residents of East Wyld Road, Quibo Lane and Radipole Lane and the Home Watch manager. It is hoped that a follow-up meeting will be arranged for early in May to take the project forward.
  • THE Pact meeting for Westham was held at the Fire Station on Tuesday April 29.

Anti-social behaviour in Knightsdale Road area, branches left behind after cutting at the junction of Knightsdale Road/Newstead Road, parking in Westham and residents complaining to the youngsters for playing in the Queensland Road park are the new issues to be dealt with over the next period.

The next Pact meeting is on Tuesday June 10 at 7pm at the Fire Station.