Enthusiastic gardeners are invited to take part in an imaginative autumn show.

Owermoigne and District Horticultural Society is encouraging the green fingered to enter their Autumn Show, which will take place at Owermoigne’s village hall on Saturday, September 2.

The show aims to expand the contests by featuring five ‘foodie competitions,’ alongside the predictable jams, marmalades and chutneys which are all featured in the competitions schedule.

A spokesperson for the Horticultural Society said: “The society’s show is run under strict judging criteria and these challenges will be a test to show much more inventive displays than the usual three-carrots-in-a-row type of entry.

“Judges will be looking for a strong emphasis on originality and imaginative creations including floor standing entries. Competitions cover flora design, not to be confused with ‘flower arranging’; an edibles class, using any kind of home grown, seasonal fruit, vegetables, or herbs in a decorative manner; and there is even a class for hanging baskets using any suitable container planted up with only the six plants supplied - Unusually though, this class will be judged entirely by the visiting general public on show day.”

There will also be a fun class for juniors to show a cupcake decorated with a horticultural theme, as well as a ‘What’s at the Bottom of My Garden?’  competition.

Entry to take part in all competitions are free and open to society members and non-members alike and the closing date for entries is August 31, 2023.

For more information on the show, email Pat Butler, the show organiser: patmbutler.hotmail.com.