• THE SOCIETY for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis are organising a family fun day on Sunday, July 13 on the Town Green (Markham Avenue entrance) 12 to 4pm .

There will be a barbeque, potted sports, face painting, tombola, anagram hunt.

Stalls to include crafts, cakes books, music and many more.

Bring a rug and stay all day. For more information ring 776151 or 782912

  • FELLOW community correspondent Joy Piper opened her garden to raise funds in aid of the Town Green.

Despite the rain many people turned up to admire the garden planted with sweet peas, dark leaf dhalia, lilies and many more flowers and shrubs.

The garden is designed to be wildlife friendly with lots of birds, butterflies and moths, amphibians and slow worms enjoying the habitat.

The many nooks and crannies in the garden include a wildlife pond, woodpiles and a small native woodland area.

The central raised patio area houses colourful containers growing lettuce among the plants.

Joy put on a lovely spread of cakes and drinks and managed to raise £115.60 with over 40 visitors on a day that started wet but ended with the skies clearing to sunshine as she closed the doors.

Special thanks to Jenny Stewkesbury who was on the door and to Linda and Cheryl who made endless cups of tea and coffee and did piles of washing up.