• THE BEETLE drive at Budmouth School planned for Friday, August 8 has been cancelled due to lack of support of previous events.
  • I HAVE been informed that someone has left garden waste on a piece of land at Markham Avenue.

People who cannot get to a local tip to dispose of their garden waste can purchase special bags from the Council which will be picked up with one of the dustbin rounds.

If anyone sees someone tipping rubbish then please take down their number and call the Council. Fly tipping can incur a hefty fine so is it worth it.

  • WESTHAM Youth Forum have received an award from the Dorset Youth Opportunity Fund & Youth Capital Fund 2008-11 to create a community allotment at Bedford Road and to improve the flower beds at Fairway Court.

The project will start on Monday, August 11 and will be led by Ryan Hope and the members of the youth forum.

One of the main goals of the youth forum is to break down the barriers between the youth and the elderly and it is hoped that the community allotment project will help.

The flower bed will be open to the whole of the community and will include re-cycled goods as well as plants, gravel and woodchip.

The project will be filmed for the ITV fixers and will be shown one day after the ITV news. See www.itvlocal.com/itvfixers for more information.

  • The next local bulletin published in conjunction with the Westham COPS community group is due out.

There have been some offers of help to distribute the bulletin but more help would be appreciated.

The bulletin is published four times a year and is only four pages so they are not heavy.

If anyone can volunteer to deliver in their road, please contact Norman Fry on 01305 774725.