A community group has helped to install a new defibrillator at a café near a popular beachfront.

The Friends of Castle Cove Beach (FCCB) have rustled together £750 matched by a government grant to install the device at the Sandsfoot Café in Weymouth.

This is now the closest defibrillator to the Castle Cove Beach, which the charity advocates and cares for.

Steve Elsworth, Chairman of the FCCB, said: "We installed the defibrillator at Sandsfoot Café. When I say we, I mean that electrician Graham Martin installed it for us for free. Thanks, Graham.

"Thanks also to the wonderful Sam and staff at the café, who played a very active part in getting the defibrillator installed, and who are all trained to use it.

"In the end, we didn't get the grant from the British Heart Foundation, so the Friends put in £750, which was matched by a government grant. It's the closest defibrillator to the beach, so if there are any problems, there will be a defibrillator nearby."

The device is being registered with the emergency services. If there is a demand for training the FCCB will organise a short training course.