I am a regular visitor to Beaminster but one recent weekend I was astounded and disgusted at the state of the above Yarn Barton Car Park Recycling Point.

What an appalling mess to greet visitors to your fine town.

There was a disgusting odour which emanating from the pile - and there is a doctors surgery close by, unbelievable!

I know that recycling points can become overfilled very quickly at weekends and bank holidays but surely the district council can provide an emergency service to replace these cesspoints before they become an eyesore and a danger.

More and more of us wish to recycle more and more.

It is only reasonable that a greater proportion of council tax-payers money will have to be spent on such points if Dorset is to reach its targets.

What is not reasonable is that this state of affairs should continue John F Pitt-Pladdy, Norfolk.