A SCHEME to convert part of a former church into flats has been backed by planners.

The development involving the northern part of the former St Martin's Church in Chickerell Road, Weymouth, was approved by Weymouth and Portland planning and traffic committee.

Objectors highlighted concerns over parking, access, over-development and loss of amenity, but applicant Nick Perrott said he hoped to convert the back of the former church in a style to that achieved with the front of the building.

Some councillors were concerned at how seating and amenity areas might be affected by vehicle access to a garage.

But planning manager Simon Williams said: "We have tried to give high priority to amenity space. Overall here we feel the balance is right."

Coun Margaret Leicester drew attention to flooding worries linked to the paving area for cars and said: "If you get the downpours we have had over the last few weeks it could flood down there."

Mr Williams replied that it would be possible to tackle this through a condition requiring the use of a permeable surface and the meeting agreed to this before approving the scheme.