A STROLL around the fields on a crisp and clear autumn day helped to raise more than £1,000 for a campaigning group.

Families and their dogs joined in a sponsored walk at the open space known as Markham and Little Francis near Wyke Regis in Weymouth.

The area achieved town green status but this has since been challenged and now a High Court judge will decide its fate at a hearing towards the end of the year.

The Society for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis is busy raising money to fund a legal battle and members organised a sponsored walk to help the effort.

Gill Taylor, chairman of the society's committee, was delighted when £521 was collected on the day and a further £500 was pledged by supporters - pushing the total raised since March to over £10,000.

She said more than 60 people of all ages joined the walk - some even making an effort to dress up. Mrs Taylor added: "It's such a lovely area and we are keen to see it protected as an open space.

"People need open spaces for recreation. Markham and Little Francis must be one of the few remaining green areas left in the borough."

The next major fundraising event is a barn dance at St Edmund's Church hall at Lanehouse on Saturday, November 29. Tickets priced £10 can be obtained by phoning Mrs Taylor on 01305 779936.