Cerne Abbas

  • ECHOES of Combat: This is the title of a performance to be shown in the village hall on Saturday, October 4.

It starts at 7:30pm and features a selection of poetry, prose and music from the conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries in which our Armed Forces have been engaged.

This event was inspired by Commander Geoff Hunt who lived in Cerne Abbas and was involved for many years with the charity that will profit from this performance: Combat Stress.

For those of you who have never heard of this organisation: It is the only charity specialising in the treatment of Service-related mental illness and, having been founded in 1919, helps re-build the life of many.

The ex-Servicemen in their care have served, amongst others, in the conflicts of Afghanistan and Iraq, with the youngest being only 20 years old.

So please come and support this worthwhile event in large numbers!

Tickets are £ 10 (to include a glass of wine)and are on sale in the Village Stores or from the box office (call 01300 341518).

  • VILLAGE Hall: Everyone is being asked not to park on the path leading up to the main hall.

This path is designed to provide safe access for pedestrians, cars intending to park in the disabled parking space and emergency vehicles ONLY.

Your co-operation is much appreciated.

Buckland Newton

  • COOKING will be the theme of the evening on Thursday, October 16.

You are invited to an evening with "The Pampered Chef", starting at 7pm.

Tina Sproston will demonstrate all the wonders of a selection of superb kitchen equipment.

From stoneware to saucepans and bamboo to barbecues, some truly nifty kitchen gadgets will be on offer and demonstrated right in front of you!

This event will hopefully benefit the Weldmar Hospice Trust - if a certain amount of money is made!

So don't waste any time and book tickets (£ 1.50 each) for what could definitely be a very entertaining yet informative evening -cooking has never been so much fun!

To book contact Catherine Shippey on 01300 345339.

  • CIRCUIT Training is starting up again!

Why not get fit and the festive season off to a good start?

From Saturday, October 11 a class will start up again in the village hall.

From 9:30am - 10:30am Gary will make ensure an hour of fun and fitness for the whole family.

Costs are £ 4.50 for adults and £ 3.50 for children of 10 years +.

For more information call Kate on 01300 345541.

Cerne Valley

  • A WEBSITE has been created for The Cerne Valley Young People Trust.

Those of you who follow my column have heard of this organisation before which is relatively new but has already done many things to support the young people of the area.

It can be visited on

Please note that the Trust is always very grateful to receive individual donations and has Gift Aid Status.

Sydling St. Nicholas

  • SYDLING WI: Please note that their next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 9 and new members are always welcome.

This WI has just celebrated its 59th birthday and presents many interesting speakers, the last one being Mrs Pauline Giles who talked about her work with the Casualties Union, of which she is a member.