Upon reading the article about wind farm protestersmy sister and I couldn't help but notice the average age of the protesters.

We’re not wishing to be ageist, but those individuals involved can continue living in the comfort of their current lifestyles and picturesque views without suffering the full consequences of the energy crisis and climate change.

However, our generation will not be able to avoid this inherited problem and will live to see these consequences in our lifetime.

For the minority whose objections were based on genuine ecological concerns, it would be brilliant if you could invest your energies in the many environmentally sound energy sources.

The concern of one householder for the value of his property is reciprocated worldwide as millions of homes are prophesied to go the way of Atlantis in the coming decades.

Even now the people of the Maldives, where 80 per cent of the islands are one metre or less above sea level, are attempting to raise sufficient funds to buy a new homeland.

Not only for our generation but for the generations following us, we need to be looking into alternative energy. It is the only sustainable option.

H and B Orrell (18 and 17 respectively) Coldharbour, Chickerell.