• OKAY take a deep breath and make sure you have your diary to hand. Here comes a list of imminent local Christmas events.
  • FIRSTLY St. Edmunds church, Lanehouse Rocks Road, where a series of prayer and poetry sessions will be held during the season of Advent. Sessions will be led by the Revd Deb Smith on December 2, 9 and 16 beginning at 7.30pm and are open to anyone who wants to come.

Refreshments will be provided.

St Edmund’s carols by candlelight will take place at 6.30pm on Christmas Eve.

The shopping will be done by then so you are invited to join others at the church, relax and begin Christmas in the true Christian spirit of the season by singing your favourite carols and listening to the traditional Christmas readings.

There will be a silver collection in aid of The Weldmar Hospicecare Trust.

  • MEMBERS of All Saints Church, Wyke, are staging their Christmas Bazaar in the Memorial Hall, Wyke, on December 6 from noon to 3pm.

On Christmas Eve there will be a Balloon Service at the church at 4pm. This has been arranged especially for young children and their families, friends and anyone else who enjoys a light-hearted, child-orientated start to Christmas.

A Parish Midnight Mass will be held in All Saints’ Church on Christmas Eve at 11.30pm, where the host congregation will be joined by the congregation from St. Edmunds.

All Saints Christmas Day Service will be held the next morning at 9.30am.

  • ON WEDNESDAY, December 10, All Saints Mothers Union will be providing a Christmas lunch for £3.50 per person at the Memorial Hall, Wyke at noon. Wyke Junior School choir will be singing there and the event is open to all.
  • WYKE’S Christmas fair will be held in the square on Sunday, December 14, from noon to 5pm. On Monday, December 22, there will be traditional carol singing in Wyke Square starting at 7.15pm with Weymouth Concert Brass.
  • LANEHOUSE Methodist Church, Lynch Lane, will be the venue for an informal carols by candlelight on Monday, December 15, at 7pm.

You are invited to choose your favourite carol, bring along a poem or reading or meditation on the theme of Christmas.

There will be a collection for The Children's Society, (formerly National Children's Home). Coffee and mince pies will be served afterwards.

The church’s celebration of Carol Service Sunday will be on December 14 at 10.30am and will be led by Mrs Molly Shereston. Coffee and mince pies will be served after the service.

A Christingle service will be held in the church on Christmas Eve at 4pm.

  • THERE are not many growers’ shopping days left as Wyke Regis Horticultural Society will close the shop at their headquarters in Rylands Lane from Saturday, December 13, until Saturday, January 3. Winning tickets for the Christmas draw will be drawn on December 13 and there will be free hot drinks, biscuits, homemade hot mince pies and sausage rolls to enjoy.
  • CAROL singing round the Christmas tree at the local chippy at Fiveways has now become an eagerly anticipated annual event for the surrounding community. Last year over 100 people joined in.

This year’s carol singing will be on Thursday, December 11, at 7pm, accompanied by the Salvation Army band and choir. Father Christmas will be giving out gifts and there will be free hot drinks and squash.

The Mayor of Weymouth and Portland will turn on the lights (donated by New Image Tiles) on the 18 foot high tree, (kindly donated by Froud Potatoes).

There will be a tombola and a collection to help raise funds for Conifers School.

A gazebo has been promised so the event can be held even if it’s raining.

Winning tickets for Alfs Christmas raffle will drawn on December 21.

Donated prizes include a family portrait sitting courtesy of MOODZ photography, £50 cash and a framed photo of Pulpit Rock.

  • AS PART of their ongoing fundraising campaign to preserve the town green between Westham and Wyke, the Society for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis invite supporters and friends to join them on Wednesday, December 17, for an evening of carol singing. This will take place around the streets surrounding the town green, starting from the Admiral Hardy pub in Chickerell Road at 7pm.

Everyone who enjoys a hearty sing is welcome.

The evening will end back at the pub for a welcome restorative drink and the grand Christmas Draw.