Cerne Abbas

  • BADMINTON anyone?

Every Monday evening (except on Moviola nights) badminton is played in the village hall.

Playing sessions run from 7:30 pm – 10 pm and absolutely everyone is welcome to join!

It really doesn’t matter if you would just like to play for fun or were to consider joining a league – just give Angie Head a call on 01300 341885 and she will tell you more.

Oh, and your first night is also free!

  • PARENT Governor vacancy: The school has a vacancy for a parent governor.

This is a responsible position but one that can be fulfilled attending fun and informal meetings.

If anyone is interested and would like further information to begin with, please contact Alex at Cerne Abbas First School on 01300 341319.

  • FOOTBALL: Many more people are now involved in the club and it is hoped that it will be going from strength to strength!

The team’s next game is on Sunday, December 7, kick-off will be at 2pm.

Please come along and cheer the youngsters on, if you would like more information about the club call Andy Ross on 01300 341804.

The club has also its own website now but access is by invitation only.

Please phone Paul Wyman on 01300 341316 if you would like be able to get on and find out more about fixtures, contact numbers, view photographs etc.

Buckland Newton

  • CONSERVATION Action Days are once again taking place in your local butterfly reserves.

Alners Gorse, whose entrance is situated on the road from Hazelbury Bryan to Kings Stag, is sporting such a day on Sunday, December 7.

The plan is to carry on with the woodland work.

The day lasts from 10am until 4 pm and there will be a bonfire with soup and baked potatoes for lunch.

For further information contact Nigel Spring on 01963 23559 or 07981 776767.

  • QUANGLE Wangle Choir concert: Everyone was joyously entertained by this by now well known choir whose show was opened with the South African National Anthem, followed by some great harmonies, interspersed with poetry and readings.

A heartfelt “Thank You” goes to organiser Diana Wells and the evening made it possible to send a cheque for £ 160 to the Dorchester Poverty Action Groupl

  • A HOME Farm Trust Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday, December 6 from 10am until noon at “Tanglin”, the home of Barbara Caplen.

This annual event not only benefits the Home Farm Trust but is also an occasion to enjoy good company, sherry and coffee as well as Christmas Cards, Bring & Buy and an excellent raffle.

Sydling St. Nicholas

  • SYDLING Springs Pre-School has two events lined up for the New Year so do put those in your diaries: On Saturday, January 17 a “Cheer up after Christmas” event will be held in the village hall, including a band and disco.

A coffee morning and table top sale will be held on Saturday, January 31.

Please start saving items now (perhaps there will be some unwanted Christmas presents?) or looking up those cake recipes if you would like to hire a table or contribute a cake.

Many more stalls will be present so do come along if you can.