Might I say how refreshing it was to read D Baker’s informative and sensible letter ‘Get on to a county bus pass scheme’ (Echo, March 14).

I have been disgusted at the inane remarks by some of ‘our’ councillors on this issue.

If some of the statements made had been about immigrants or foreigners they would have been deemed inflammatory.

Maybe Coun Christine James, our ‘spokesman for transport and infrastructure’, could explain how buses full of pensioners are stopping people getting to work, when we are not allowed on the bus until 9.30? The fact that this is yet another badly thought out scheme that was brought in to: a) try to get some cars off the road, and b) to try and get grey votes.

I am surprised that pensioners’ organisations have not made more of this issue.

Please also take into account that for each of us taking the bus, the bus company receives a payment.

How many people would be using the bus service if we pensioners did not use them?

Compared to almost any other country our pensioners get very little in the way of any benefits, so hands off our bus passes or you might find you have a grey headed tiger by the tail. V J Read, Cobham Drive, Weymouth.