
  • THE horticultural association’s spring show was a great success, with many attractive entries on display.

There was a particularly good number of children’s entries in the class for a seed packet design. There were so many lovely designs for these that the judges must have had a really challenging time to pick the winners.

Chairman Eric House thanked everyone who supported the show.

He added that he was very sad that the association’s secretary, Pat Alford was unable to be present as she was in hospital. Pat had done so much work for the show, Eric added.

The section winners at the show were: Flowers, bulbs and pot plants – Wendy Palmer for her flowering shrubs.

Vegetables – Peter France for onions Floral art – Diana Wilson with a basket of spring flowers.

Cookery – Diana Wilson for a Bakewell tart.

Wine – Jenny Maunder with parsnip wine.

The children’s seed packet design, under six years, was won by Harrison, second Eleanor, and third Tilly.

The best arrangement of flowers in a jam jar was by William Bishop.

The age seven to fourteen class for a seed packet design was won by Rebecca, second William, and third Barnaby Barnes.

The winner of the arrangement of flowers in a jam jar was Amelia Barnes.

  • THE horticultural association’s planned outing to Kew Gardens has been unavoidably cancelled, and instead there is to be a trip to Wilton House on Tuesday, July 14.

Members are reminded that the next meeting is the visit to Poundbury garden centre on Tuesday, April 23. There will be a talk, followed by a shopping opportunity.

Meet with cars at the village hall at 6.30pm, for arrival at Poundbury at 7pm.

Don’t forget the association’s plant sale on Saturday, May 9 at 10am.

Everyone is welcome.

Be early to catch the bargains.

If you would like any information about the horticultural association and its events, contact Eric House on 01305 848364.


  • THE re-arranged date for the illustrated talk on Dorset’s Marine Wildlife by Steve Trewhella is to be Friday, April 24 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Tickets cost just £4 (if booked and paid for in advance) or £5 at the door, and this will include desserts and tea or coffee.

Please book early to help with catering arrangements.

To reserve your seat, telephone Sue on 01305 848053 or Diana on 848419.

Any profits will be in aid of the Tolpuddle village hall refurbishment fund.

  • WINNERS for the month of February for the 150 club in aid of the village hall refurbishment fund are: 1st £20 Steve Bucksey, 2nd £15 Daryl Warmsley, 3rd £10 Vanessa and Peter Andrews, 4th £5 Diana Foreman.
  • GYM CLUB inductions are being arranged soon.

If you would like to use the gym equipment in the village hall, you will have to have an induction first.

Membership is still only £5 and 50p per visit.

Telephone Trish on 01305 849489 to book a place.