INSIGHTS into life at the extreme ends of the Earth entertained around 150 people at a polar-themed fundraising evening in Dorchester.

The night was hosted by Thomas Hardye School teacher Lyndsay Hilton, who is heading off on a scientific expedition to Antarctica next year.

Peter Fuchs, son of Sir Vivian Fuchs, the first man to cross the Antarctic in 1956, presented original footage of his father’s voyage and talked about his experiences.

There were also tales from Dr Simon Boxall, who led Arctic voyages for musicians, artists, filmmakers and scientists to promote awareness of climate change.

Miss Hilton said: “Mr Fuchs’s talk and film showing original footage of the first Antarctic crossing was a privilege to watch.

“Dr Boxall was a compelling speaker who showed a real passion for his research.”

Miss Hilton also thanked all those who went along to enjoy the evening and helped raise £530 for her expedition.

Anyone wishing to learn more about her trip and fundraising events can be added to Miss Hilton’s email distribution list by writing to her at sthiltonl@thomashardye. You can also go shopping online to support her efforts at