I wonder if any of the West Dorset councillors use the bus as their regular means of travel to and from Dorchester?

I have a feeling that if they did something would have been done about the bus stop in Trinity Street ages ago. It is a scrum to get to the bus you require, especially when there are three or even four buses all at the same small area.

There is a narrow pavement with impatient shoppers trying to get through the rush of elderly with baskets on wheels and mums with pushchairs etc.

It is also just about the dirtiest place in town with the pavement thick with cigarette stubs, chewing gum, bird excrement and various other bits of litter which get stuck in the dirt accumulated around the posts. On Sunday there was also human vomit as well, some of which was still there Monday morning.

I dropped some money there the other day and wanted to leave it there rather than try to pick it up out of the filth. So, you can sit waiting for your bus, looking at the dirt or the slot machines in the gaming shop. What an advert to the visitor unlucky enough to decide to try and catch a bus there.

Why can’t we have a proper bus station? There is the enormous car park there on site.

I have heard that the Brewery Square development will have a new bus terminus but how long ahead will that be?

How long has the population of Dorchester been growing fast with many more people trying to use the buses?

If I had a choice and owned a car, I would not be green and would avoid using that bus stop - it is just so depressing and neglected and plain dirty. At least get it properly cleaned, but supply the cleaners with rubber gloves, a scrubbing brush and lots of disinfectant!

Anne Jonathan, Kings Road, Dorchester.