THE forum are holding a series of Family Indoor Games Evenings on Friday, February 26, March 5, 12 and 19.

We are hoping that children will bring mum and dad and enjoy board games, table tennis, bagatelle and forget all about the TV and computer games.

ITS FREE and refreshment will be on sale at a small cost.

CAN’T sing…neither can I…

How strange you are thinking, well let me explain, some people were sat drinking coffee and started talking about a choir.

We managed to obtain some funds and NOW the idea can come into fruition.

We are holding two sessions at the Park Community Centre on Monday, March 1 at 2pm and 7pm when we would like you to come along and meet the teachers, decide the songs we sing and when we have rehearsals.

You don’t need to have a great voice, just the enthusiasm to try.

Everyone, young and old are invited, and at the end of the sessions we hope to give a concert to all the residents of the Park District.

OUR next Quiz is on Saturday, March 6 at 7pm.

Bring a team of four, or come on your own we can make up teams on the night.

It is £3.50 each and the winning teams get a £20 prize.

Everyone is welcome.

THE Community Forum is very pleased to have a fundraising event when Barry Paull as “ELVIS” will be at the No 6 Bar, Kings Street, Thursday, March 18.

Tickets are £3 each and available from the Park Community Centre, Monday to Thursday,10am-12pm.

We are very grateful to Pete at No 6 Bar for the use of the venue.

WE are very please that our Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at the Community Centre every Thursday, 10am-11am for residents to come and have an informal chat.

It is good news to see the police so active in the area recently, it certainly instils confidence in them.

Thanks to Mike, Matt, Kerry, Mark and Tony.

We also wish Ade Walker every success now that he has left the PCSO’s and joined the regular Police Force, he will be sadly missed whilst he completes his training.

ART classes every Thursday morning, with Angela.

Then from 12pm why not join her and other ladies in a game of table tennis.

All welcome.

AT last we have found someone to take computer lessons and these are happening on Thursday’s at 11am.

You do have to book, and we can only take three people at a time, so please be patient..

First three will start in March.

A NEW shop in Hardwick Street, Park Desire, it’s a café, a bike hire shop and it sells ex catalogue goods.

Good luck to Chris and Nikki.

They have a special offer at the moment a FREE HOT DRINK with every cake.

IT is unbelievable how quickly time goes by, but it is true that the Luncheon Club, which meets on first Wednesday of the month (see board in Park Community Centre for details), is four years old.

We are meeting on Wednesday, March 3 at The New Vic 12pm for 12.30pm.

Please ring 839579 to leave a message, or to book or ask about menus call Eileen on 768911.

We look forward to seeing you there.