POLICE have ordered a cover up of furniture business boss David Lindley's naked big bosomed festive gnome.

Officers called on Mr Lindley at his business near Dorchester after a complaint from an upset motorist who claimed the well-endowed three-foot-tall female gnome was offensive.

Two policemen turned up to ask Mr Lindley to clothe the resin gnomes. They were responding to a complaint from an anonymous passer-by who was outraged by the 'offensive display'.

The exposed female gnome was seated behind the wheel of the stationary vehicle in a layby on the A37 near the Clay Pigeon and the male figure was in the

passenger seat. There was also a model cow on the roof.

Mr Lindley, who runs Manor Wood Furniture on Wardon Hill at Evershot said: "We have had to cover up the lady gnome because she's got great big bosoms. We've put her in a Ann Summers Mummy Christmas outfit to cover her modesty."

Mr Lindley bought the gnomes in Birmingham, along with large animals and characters such as Betty Boop.

"They are just a fun thing to attract attention to the shop," he said. "I dot them around the place and have sold all the livestock figures already.

"No one has noticed the naked gnomes before because they normally drive past here at 100mph but everybody slowed down in the icy conditions. I have had a giant pig stolen from the roof of the van two months ago and reported that to the police, but this is the first time anyone has reported me."

A Betty Boop figureine was also stolen from outside the shop last month. A police spokesman said: "We advised the owner to dress the gnomes more appropriately on decency grounds. We are certainly not going to be doing anything more about it."