PLANS for a multi-million- pound refurbishment of a North Dorset school have been unveiled - just days after work on a massive extension at the site came to a halt.

Workmen were expected back at the Shaftesbury School yesterday after the main contractor Benson Limited went into administration.

Bluestone, part of the UK group Morgan Sindall plc, has now taken over the £3.5m project for a new two-storey science, art, food and general teaching block.

Education chiefs need the extension to be finished by September to accommodate an extra 300 pupils from King Alfred's and Nadder Middle schools, which closed this summer.

They then want to press ahead with a £4.5m scheme including the refurbishment of the main school building and a further extension.

Senior education officer at Dorset County Council Keith Armstead said: "One of the biggest problems is circulating through the school which we want to improve quite significantly. At the moment you cannot get from one end of the building to the other without having to go outside.

"We also want to relocate the entrance to the school so there will be a new administration centre and we hope to infill a court yard to provide new staff facilities and new technology and PE space."

The latest proposals will go before county councillors in the New Year.

Mr Armstead added: "The building is about 20 years old and is in need of significant improvements. The intention is to provide a first-class 21st century facility that will enable a decent learning and teaching environment."

First published: December 21