BOURNEMOUTH council says that while a small number of staff may lose their jobs during the redevelopment of the BIC the end result will see the creation of 1,300 vacancies.

Cllr Adrian Fudge, cabinet member for quality services and value for money, said: "It is true that a small number of staff may lose their jobs during the redevelopment of the BIC.

"It is too soon to predict the exact number that will be involved, although this is likely to be less than 10 full time equivalents.

"We recognise that this is a difficult time for those staff involved, but let's not lose sight of the fantastic benefits that this redevelopment is bringing to the town."

This will include 1,300 new jobs, 3,000 existing jobs preserved, bigger, better live music events and a regular ice rink, the council said.

It will bring £21million extra to Bournemouth each year, see more use by local people overall and reduce costs to the taxpayer.

Cllr Fudge added: "Over the next year a new staffing structure will take shape at the BIC, reflecting the planned increase in number and scale of events. It is expected that 1,300 extra jobs will be created directly and indirectly once the new operation is fully up and running - many more than are potentially being lost during the building works.

"We are always sad to lose any member of staff and are trying to find jobs elsewhere in the council for as many of those affected as possible," Mr Fudge added.

"Dedicated and committed staff are an essential part of the success of any organisation and the BIC is no exception. It's our standard policy to re-deploy staff wherever possible and this process has already begun, involving consultation with staff and trades unions and, of course, redundancy will only occur as a last resort."

First published: November 20