LYME Regis Town Council isn't getting enough information from district council engineers about forthcoming stabili sation works it says. Councillors at last Wednesday's full council meeting agreed that they wanted more communication from the district after a row over a planning application to build a temporary exhibi tion centre on the sand bar. Coun Michaela Ellis said: "We are getting really near the mark now and people are going to be asking us what is going on and we can't inform them because none of us here knows anything." The council's planning com mittee recently turned down an application from the dis trict council to build the tem porary building on the sand bar while stabilisation works were carried out. But on Wednesday, Coun Daryl Turner said he had since learnt from chief engi neer Keith Cole that the sand bar gave good access for disabled people and would give good views of the works while they were going on. He urged councillors to reconsider their decision to turn down the application, now that they had more information. But Coun Stan Williams said he was 'appalled' by what Mr Cole had said. He said: "Mr Cole said if he couldn't have it there, he wouldn't have it at all, which I thought was a bit like say ing he was taking his bat home if he couldn't bat - I thought it was a very poor way of going on. "Then he said putting it on the sand bar didn't matter because it would be a heavy plant on the sand bar. "He's put in for five years permission. "I thought we were trying to lessen the impact on the holiday season. "For many people, that sand bar is Lyme Regis." Coun Nigel Clarke said he felt Keith Cole was trying to present a fait accomplis to the council and added: "It would have been nice to be consulted about the applica tion when it is our land." Councillors agreed to stick to their decision.