RAIN dominated October weather in Weymouth, with nearly 50 per cent more than average for the month.

The 30-year average rainfall for October is 77.4mm but 2004 saw 113.2mm, with the heaviest rain falling on October 3 with 22.3mm and October 23 with 12.2mm.

The total rainfall in Weymouth so far for 2004 is 538.9mm, which is 37.4mm above the 30-year average.

But if the town had a wet month it also had more than usual sunshine, with nearly five per cent more than the 30-year average at 123 hours and 42 minutes compared with 118 hours and 48 minutes.

The total sun so far in Weymouth during 2004 is still well up at 1,816 hours and 42 minutes, or 198 hours and 42 minutes above the 30-year average.

Thunder and lightning affected the town on October 28 but no ground or air frosts were recorded.

October was a windy month for the town with wind speeds of more than 20mph for the first 29 days of the month and a top gust of 64mph on both October 21 and October 25.

All temperatures for the month were average or above average except the sea. Figures from Weymouth weatherman Bob Poots showed that the average maximum temperature was normal at 15 degrees C, that the average minimum temperature was 0.6 of a degree C above normal at 9.9 degrees C and that the average mean temperature was 0.3 of a degree C above normal at 12.5 degrees C. Only the sea temperature was below average, down 0.4 of a degree C below at 14.6 degrees C.