A LYME Regis woman whose son died of bone cancer has hit out at the vandals who litter the town gardens and light fires in the gazebo. Hazel Read described the people who had recently sprayed graffiti on the walls and trampled on the flowerbeds as 'mindless morons'. She said: "My youngest son, Simon, died from bone cancer when he was 26, how he would have given anything to be able to stay alive and have the opportunities that the young people in Lyme have, to be able to live a full, rewarding healthy life in such a great place." Mrs Read, who moved to Lyme Regis five years ago to try to come to terms with her grief, said she didn't under stand why young people, who she presumed were responsi ble, felt the need to cause damage. She said: "Can't they just be happy and thankful to be alive? "There is so much to do here - sports, the cinema, the the atre, music, the list is endless and there is no excuse for any one to be bored." Mrs Read, whose son Simon was a tennis coach, said a Porsche had its tyres slashed when it was parked near the gardens last week and broken glass had been strewn around the wishing well. She said: "What sort of reputation is Lyme going to get if this sort of behaviour is allowed to con tinue? "Where are the police who are supposed to be looking after our property and our interests, don't they patrol the gardens at night or do they only have a 9 to 5 job?" Mrs Read takes regular morning walks through the Langmoor Gardens, she said she felt sorry for the garden superintendent. She said: "His job must seem so soul destroying arriv ing at the crack of dawn each day to face these problems and having to clear up all this mess." Urging young people to sort themselves out, Mrs Read said: "Help other people, and stop inflicting your bad behaviour on the community." Since the death of her son seven years ago, Mrs Read has raised over £25,000 for research into osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that affects the 15-25 year old age group. Next year she is hoping to do a fundraising parachute jump.