TEENAGE boozers have been feeling the full force of the law in New Milton as police crack down on juvenile drinking in the town.

In the last two weekends of October officers confiscated 147 beers and five bottles of spirits from under-age drinkers.

"In addition, several arrests were made for the theft of alcohol by juveniles and two adults have been reported for summons in respect of buying alcohol for people under age," says the new Community Beat Officer Report and Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin.

New Milton mayor Cllr Goff Beck is also New Forest District Council's crime and disorder portfolio holder and has been out on patrol with officers at all the area's police stations.

"I think to understand both sides of the story you've got to go out there and meet the problem," he says.

At New Milton parish church, the scene of numerous outbreaks of vandalism in recent months, he saw police confiscate four half-bottles of vodka from under-age drinkers.

He recognises he will not stop under-age drinking and the threatening and abusive behaviour that tends to be fuelled by it, however, he is determined to bring it under control.

"Why should people put up with verbal and physical abuse from people who have been illegally drinking alcohol?" he says.

He and Inspector John Heath have invited all licensees to a meeting in the town hall on Tuesday night.

They will thrash out under-age drinking issues, including plans to reduce thefts of alcohol.

Cllr Beck sees the meeting of minds as another move in the bid to call time on sales to under-18s.

First published: November 5