A CONGESTION charge will not be introduced in Purbeck, according to county councillor Don Hiett.

The Conservative councillor told members of Swanage Town Council that the idea would need the support of elected county councillors.

He said: "There are five Purbeck county councillors and we are unanimous in opposing this."

The charge is one of a package of ideas drawn up by a consultancy firm tasked by Dorset County Council to look at options for tackling the problem of congestion in Purbeck.

In a presentation to the town council, consultant Chris Nicholls explained the power of European nature designations preventing the construction of a Sandford bypass through a sensitive wildlife habitat. Cllr Julie Wheeldon said: "English Nature have the last word so we have to look at this coldly - we are not going to get a Sandford bypass."

The alternative possibility of a tunnel was raised but at a minimum cost of £64 million the consultants ruled it out as unaffordable.

Instead a list of ideas could be implemented to take pressure off the A351, including a Bere Regis and Wool bypass, and a system of shuttle buses transporting visitors from campsites to local attractions.

Suggestions raised by town councillors included a flyover at the Bakers Arms roundabout to take the pressure off this traffic bottleneck and a roundabout at Morden park corner. Neither idea is included in the consultants' Purbeck Transportation Study.

Mayor of Swanage Cllr Tony Miller, who backs the idea of continuing to press for a Sandford bypass, told the meeting: "Eighty-six per cent of the problem could be solved by a bypass. If there is a one per cent chance of getting it, surely that is what we've got to ask for."

The councillors were told that 84.4 per cent of households in Purbeck own cars, compared to a national average of 72 per cent, because of lack of public transport.

Once a set of ideas for a future transport strategy is accepted, county council planners will explore options for funding.

First published: October 20