BRIDPORT Council will spend its own pennies to save the town hall toilets.

Members of the finance committee agreed on Wednesday that funds should be made available to keep them open - whatever the cost.

The loos are currently operated by the district council who plan to close them next year.

They say they are "sub standard" and too expensive to run.

Last week District Services Manager Jerry Cranmer dashed hopes of a joint rescue plan when he ruled out any possibility of them continuing to maintain the toilets - even with funding provided by the town council which owns the building.

Town councillors have been told that to run the toilets themselves would cost some £18,000 a year - adding about £5.92 to the average Band D Council Taxpayer's bill. The district, with its economy of scale, currently did the job for around £3,000 less.

Despite Mr Cranmer's firm refusal to continue to maintain the conveniences town clerk Ron Gregory said he was still "pretty sure" they could come to some sort of agreement before next year.

Coun Maggie Ray said one thing was absolutely clear - everyone wanted the toilets kept open.

"We are market town and gateway to the Jurassic Coast and we do need to keep these facilities," she said.

Council Leader Charles Wild said they needed to continue negotiations with the district council to get them included in the central contract if at all possible to save taxpayers' money.

The committee agreed to recommend further talks with the district council but that if necessary they will spend the £18,000 a year needed to keep them open.