THE impact of the proposed Strawberry Field sports complex on a Lyme Regis beauty spot has been "grossly exaggerated" by opponents, it is claimed this week.

A rallying call to support the hilltop scheme is made in the latest Strawberry Field newsletter issued by the town's football club.

It claims that much of what has been written in the local press by those against the project is not based upon fact - and exaggerates the disturbance to the countryside.

"Our consultants believe we have a very strong case and that our plans will not detract from the Area of outstanding Natural Beauty," says the report.

"What we need is plenty of support and we are appealing to all members of the club to write a letter of support to the planning authority."

Club members are told that the planning application is imminent and that it is likely to be determined by the district council at a special meeting in the Woodmead Hall at Lyme Regis, probably in September.

"It is important that we get as many supporters as possible at this meeting to show how much support we have from the people of Lyme Regis," the article urges.

Meanwhile a petition is being launched in support of the Strawberry Field development and organisers aim to get over 1,000 signatures.

"It is essential that all members sign the petition and as many local residents as possible," say club officials.

" It is interesting to note how many people from Uplyme have already signed our petition."

Opponents of the Strawberry Field project - many from across the valley in Uplyme - say that it will destroy the hilltop beauty spot and cause light and noise pollution. Plans for a licensed clubhouse and floodlit sports area are amongst the controversial proposals.