MUM Kelly Thorne today told how she screamed in horror after a car mounted the pavement and ploughed into her and her two-year-old son before speeding off.

Kelly described how the vehicle crashed into her, knocked her to the ground and hit Jordan's pushchair with the tiny tot strapped inside, after it careered off the road.

Kelly - who was holding onto the buggy - and Jordan were both left in shock after being struck by the car outside the Wyke Regis health centre in Portland Road, Weymouth.

The driver failed to stop after the collision and drove off towards the town centre area.

Kelly, 21, needed hospital treatment and X-rays for an arm injury but Jordan was unhurt, prompting police to say they were both lucky to be alive.

Kelly lives with her partner Tony, who is Jordan's stepdad, in Wyke Regis.

She said: "I can't believe we are both still alive after what happened. If Jordan had not been in his pram he would have been killed.

"We only went out to buy some nappies.

"There was no warning because the car came from behind us. When it hit me, I felt like someone had kicked my legs from under me and I fell to the ground and I could hear Jordan screaming."

She said the pram was badly damaged in the collision, but she added: "I couldn't believe it when I saw the pram was still standing and Jordan was fine with not a scratch on him."

Police said they are appealing for witnesses to the incident on Sunday to come forward with information.

They said minutes later an off-duty officer saw the same car collide with another vehicle being driven by an elderly woman outside the Kingswood Hotel in Rodwell Road.

The car drove off without stopping. The officer followed it into the Portmore Gardens area in his own vehicle but when he confronted the man he was threatened with a crowbar.

Police said the elderly woman involved in the second collision left the incident scene and police are appealing for her to come forward as soon as possible.

Police are questioning a 40-year-old man from Middlesex in connection with the incidents. Witnesses should call PC Mike O'Donnell on 01305 226639.