TREE roots are invading graves in Lyme Regis cemetery, and there will be major problems in 20 or 30 years time if a policy of selective replacements is not pursued.

The recreations committee was warned of the consequences of inaction on Wednesday night when it was agreed that professional advice on suitable species for a tree-planting scheme should be sought.

Committee chairman Ken Whetlor said there was no need to go for trees to last more than 10 or 15 years, while Coun Lorna Jenkin pleaded for more distinctive specimens.

"We need to be much more careful and get planning consent before we plant trees, rather than having to have them taken away at a later date," said mayor Coun Ken Dibben.

Concern was also expressed about the poor conditions of pavement trees in the resort, with Coun Whetlor assuring members that a survey report was being prepared in time for the next meeting, Coun Stan Williams welcome the initiative, underlining his concern about the bad state of some of the trees in King's Way.