A HUT on Chesil Beach has gone on sale for £8,000.

The 10ft by 8ft wooden fisherman's hut, with a 4ft by 4ft box at the back, was the last hut to be given permission to be built on the beach more than 25 years ago.

The hut is a 20-minute walk from Chesil Beach car park, but previous owners Gregory and Margaret Simpson-Hall preferred to row from Ferrybridge.

Gregory, who grew up in Wyke Regis before moving to Portland, said: "It's a beautiful place.

"It needs the right sort of person to appreciate and enjoy it for the utter peace and quiet it offers.

"It would be a great place for a writer or artist or someone who likes fishing. It's wonderful for wildlife lovers too as it is a sanctuary for terns and hares that go whizzing along the beach.

"I shall miss it very much and I'd much rather someone else had the use of it. It has a magical quality to it and on a warm day, as it often is down there, you can watch the horses in the field opposite."

Gregory is only selling the hut, which he has owned for nearly 20 years, because he has moved to Lands End. He said: "I don't want to see it go to waste."

The location of the hut is opposite Martleaves Point. It has a water tank with a sink, a gas cooker and although it is not supposed to be lived in, room for a mattress.

Gregory, who went to Wyke Junior School and Thomas Hardye School in Dorchester, said: "You feel you are a million miles from anyone, all you get to disturb you is the odd microlight in the sky, and every year you can watch the Territorial Army get their boat stuck in the sandbanks!

"Because it was built as a fisherman's hut it is properly weather-proofed and extra-strengthened and is in a good location so there is no chance of it collapsing as some others have along the bank."

The hut is on Crown Estate land so a ground rent is also paid each year. Anyone interested should call agents Miller and Son on (01209) 612255.