PROTESTERS against a church hall scheme, which has left a New Forest village in uproar, will have their final chance to meet this weekend before a crunch legal battle.

Residents objecting to the £500,000 community complex planned for the graveyard of All Saints Church in Hordle will finally have their day in court next week.

They will voice their arguments before a "consistory" court chaired by the chancellor of the Winchester Diocese in All Saints on Monday and Tuesday.

Vicar Canon Michael Anderson says a new facility is needed to replace the village's ageing memorial hall.

Opponents insist the scheme is unnecessary, too expensive and will cause major traffic problems in Hordle Lane, were there is also a primary school.

Many people are also unhappy with the removal of gravestones from the proposed development site, which they claim were dug up without the permission of living relatives.

More than 1,200 local people have signed protest petitions, which will be presented to the court, and an "eve-of-battle" meeting will take place in the Women's Institute Hall on Saturday.

Objectors' action committee chairman Tim Boyce said: "We basically just want to bring everyone who has been involved in this campaign up to speed before the hearing."

The meeting begins at 7.30pm, while the court hearings are due to start at 10am and are open to the public.

A third day may be added to the inquiry to allow all registered witnesses an opportunity to give their views.