ELDERLY people living in Bridport's Chardsmead Court fear traffic chaos outside their homes when an experimental one-way system comes into force at the end of the year.

The volume of traffic going past their 19 flats will increase substantially when the three-month trial goes ahead as town centre motorists will have to drive up Victoria Grove to get to the car parks and Mountfield.

Norah Eveleigh, 92, who uses a buggy to get around the town, said: "The residents, old and disabled, some partially blind, are in great danger crossing the road."

She thinks a light-controlled pedestrian crossing should be installed.

Another resident said: "We saw service in the war dodging bullets, bombs and doodlebugs in our youth.

"Now we are to spend our twilight years dodging or falling victims of road traffic - that's gratitude for you.

"We're too old to take to the streets with placards or lie down in the road but it's a thought."

He felt the solution to traffic snarl-ups at the southern end of Victoria Grove would be to relocate the tyre depot.

One resident said she had lived at Chardsmead for 20 years and had seen similar schemes mooted before.

"But it just fizzled out," she said.

"Crossing the road is going to be the biggest problem. It's going to be chaotic for those who are not mobile.

"We shall feel like prisoners in our own homes."

Residents said they were grateful to town council leader Roger Draper, who had opposed the scheme.

But the police, county council and highway authority are in favour of the trial and the town council is keen to press ahead with it.

The proposal is to make the southern section of Victoria Grove one-way northwards and Downes Street one-way southwards. Traffic flows in Chardsmead will remain two-way and those in North Street will be unchanged. A 'no right turn' condition at the Downes Street junction with East Street looks set to be imposed.