CHILDREN under 12 are allowed to see films carry a 12 rating at the cinema for the first time.

A new advisory category 12A was introduced at the weekend by the British Board of Film Censors (BBFC). Spiderman has been relaunched nationwide with the new certificate to celebrate the fact.

The new rating will mean that films can be seen by children under the advisory age as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

BBFC chairman Robin Duval says the change is a response to parental pressure.

He said: "The BBFC receives a steady stream of letters from parents asking why they cannot make the decision about whether their children can see a 12 rated film.

"We know that the development and maturity of children varies considerably and parents know best what their children can deal with."

Mr Duval stressed that before the decision was made, the board carried out research to gauge public opinion. They instigated a national survey, ran a seven week pilot exercise in Norwich and polled opinions in the street and examined the findings of focus groups nationwide.

The mandatory 12 category was originally introduced for films in 1989. The new 12A classification will be marked by an orange symbol. The old 12 symbol will remain for video.