UNLESS something is done to improve road access Purbeck will become gridlocked by traffic forced to use the only main road to visitor towns of Wareham, Corfe Castle and Swanage.

The dire warning has been made in the wake of a decision to leave the area's road system unchanged despite years of protest from residents calling for a proper A351 by-pass.

And a C-road through Bere Regis will not be able to cope with extra traffic when 600 new homes are built near Crossways and Moreton.

"If we don't get a proper road system into Purbeck within the next five, 10 or 15 years this place is going to be gridlocked," said Egdon Heath county councillor Malcolm Shakesby.

He has strongly criticised a government inspector who rejected the idea of building a bypass for Sandford and Holton Heath.

"This inspector has not even come to see what it is all about. We are all suffering. Everything has to come along the A351.

"It is unbelievable that everybody is sitting back doing nothing. The only people doing anything are the A351 Action Group."

With tourism and major quarry and oil industries in the area, Purbeck is struggling to cope with its road network, which in the summer often sees traffic queues stretching back for miles near Wareham.

Cllr Shakesby is scathing of the inspector's idea that the problem can be solved simply by diverting traffic along existing minor roads, such as through Bere Regis.

"It's no good diverting the traffic down these existing routes because the problem will not go away," he said.

South Dorset MP Jim Knight said: "We have emerging transport problems. I'm not convinced by the inspector's report into Crossways where there is a proposed new 600-home settlement.

That is going to cause problems for the C-road coming through Bere Regis.

"We have 1.5million visitors a year trying to get in and out of Studland, and with the World Heritage Status attracting more visitors I do not think the inspector's report is adequate."

June Benham, of the A351 Action Group, says supporters and residents will discuss the way forward at a public meeting at Sandford Middle School on September 26.

Annette Brooke, Mid-Dorset and North Poole MP, said she would wait to hear the outcome of that meeting.