CALLING all youngsters who crave a touch of drama in their lives this summer.

Dorchester Youth Theatre (DYT) is running its annual Combined Arts Week in August and is still recruiting young people aged between 10 and 16 with an interest in the theatre to get involved.

One of the organisers of the week Clare Mackavoy said: "This is an opportunity to work with a team of professionals to put on a show in a week.

"During that time there will be workshops in drama, dance, design and music. The whole experience is always a lot of fun and it all culminates in a performance on the Saturday evening."

This year the director for the week will be Peter Thorogood, who runs two youth theatres in Hereford and has worked in music and theatre for more than 20 years.

He will be joined by co-founder of DYT, Norman Saunders-White, dance and movement specialist Tamsin Fessey and DYT drama leaders Sue Wylie and Kirsty Bray.

Organiser Cheryl Grahame added: "Combined Arts Week runs from Monday, August 26 to Saturday, August 31. It's a great way to spend the last week of the holidays and a chance to develop skills and confidence in a relaxed and supportive environment.

"We still have just a few places left."

For more information ring Cheryl on (01305) 262006 or Clare on (01305) 784718.